Saturday, August 18, 2012

Waypoint Pro 6.0.0 Released

Waypoint Pro 6.0.0 has been released.  This release addresses and issue with the Android 4.1 menu system not working properly with extended menu items.  In a way I am thankful that this issue arose as I believe it has really brought the main screen UI forward.  The new UI includes an Action Bar component which was introduced in Android 3.0.  With the use of the Sherlock Action Bar library this component is available on older versions with the use of the Android Compatibility library.  In the action bar you will find menu items for Tools, Settings, and More Options.  Tools contains the plugins (Intents) that Waypoint Pro uses to integrate into Google Maps, Radar, Compass 360, and Waypoint Pro's waypoint plotter. Settings contains menu options for Coordinates, Units, Notifications, Color, and an option to hide the control bar.  Under the extended menu, you will find menu options for About, Manage Waypoint (Edit, Move, Delete), Manage Category (Create, Rename, Delete), Set Waypoint, Share Waypoint, Share Location, Import Waypoints, Export Waypoints, and Backup Data.  Hopefully, this new menu system will make it easier for everyone to use Waypoint Pro.  I have also added a new control bar which contains buttons to save, select, clear, select categories, and create categories.  This control bar replaces the default buttons that were once at the bottom of the application. Long press each of the controls to get a short description of it's function.  As I mentioned in my previous Android 4.1 post, there is also a new color scheme to match the holo blue theme in Android 4.1.  In addition to these visible changes there have been many improvements under the covers.  Check out Google Play to download Waypoint Pro.

With this new release only devices running Android 2.1 or higher will be supported.

Waypoint Free will be updated soon to incorporate these changes to support Android 4.1.


  1. Hi!!!
    Sorry for my bad English.
    I would like to suggest a multiple delete waypoint, in "Manage Waypoint" menu. Every time when I need delete several waypoints, I have to do one by one each time... It´s terrible!!!

    I have the last Waypoint Pro version.

    Think about, please.


    1. Hi Fabio,

      Thanks for the suggestion I will take a look into the feature request. I also wanted to let you know that it is possible delete an entire category at a time, so if you have some points that are only going to be transient, you could then create a new category which can be used for these waypoints and once you know they are no longer needed you can delete the entire category.


  2. Thank you for the tip, TDD.

    See you around...
